I took some liberties and decided to create a banner for my own personal posts. Also, I wanted to find a reason to input a tree of holiday penguins somewhere...
Anyway, by popular demand, everyone's favorite game mates have decided to make some appearances in this year's Festive Tasks reading game! Yay!!
Magnetic Monkey and Peek-a-boo Penni are back! In clip-art sticker form... sort of. I'm too lazy to learn how to use new photo editing tools, so I'm just utilizing Paint 3D... which turned out to be more work than I really like, but at least this will be a pretty simple edit.
This is just an example card of how I will mark my card as the game progresses. I also wanted to see how the markers would look, and I kind of like the effect. I hope they're not too hard to see as Monkey's color kind of blends with the background a bit. And my eyes are kind of blurry at the moment from lack of sleep.
Let's give a warm welcome back to Magnetic "Elfin" Monkey, and Peek-a-boo Penni Claus!

Elfin Monkey will be my marker for any Non-book Tasks complete. I'm unlikely to finish more than one or two tasks per square, but I'll plan for it and leave enough room for more than one monkey per square (refer to Door 1's square in that last column for an example; and yes, I know the number is covered up).
Penni Claus will mark the one Book Task per square--mainly because it was a little harder to create a Penni sticker than it was the Monkey sticker.
Meanwhile, the lack of sleep I mentioned above really has more to do with the fact that I might have spent about four hours formatting another tracking table for how I will track what tasks I've completed. Then at the end of that four hours, I realized I should probably go to sleep... and promptly came up with another idea that requires further modification of said table. Yikes!
In the meantime, this is sort of what it looks like, pre-modification to include my new idea.
Basically, I'm thinking about separating the table into individual ones for each Door/Square, and moving the name of the holiday and date of the holiday, along with the picture associated to the top of the table instead of the side. Or something like that. I'm still working on the details.
Really... I should be spending more time reading and completing my tasks, cause it looks like I'm a bit behind.
But hey, I started this project as soon as I had the chance after the game was announced... and it was like a dog with a bone: I just couldn't stop until I achieved the result I wanted... sort of.
Though I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a little bit of fun constructing the darn thing. I figured out a whole lot of new stuff about html tables that will probably come in handy for future blog posts. =D
Door / Square | Task | My Activity / Link to Post |
Date Completed |
Total Points: 0 |
Door 1 Dia de los Muertes (November 1) ![]() |
Book | Re-read an old favorite from a now-deceased author, a book from a finished (dead) series, or a book set in Mexico. | Some Book Title by This Author | 0 | |
Task 1 | Write a silly poem or limerick poking fun at the fiction character of your choice. | -- SKIP-- I don't poem... | XX | ||
Task 2 | Share your favorite gravestone epitaph (you know you have one). | See Main Post (coming soon) |
Task 3 | Create an altar (either digital or physical) for your favorite book, series, or book character, and post a picture of it. Inclusion of book cover encouraged. | See Main Post (coming soon) |
Task 4 | If you like Mexican food, treat yourself to your favorite dish and share a photo of it. | See Main Post (coming soon) |
Door 2 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 3 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 4 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 5 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 6 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 7 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 8 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 9 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 10 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 11 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 12 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 13 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 14 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 15 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 16 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 17 ?? (??) |
Book | TBA | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 18 Winter Solstice / Yuletide (December 21) |
Book | Read any book that takes place in December; OR with ice or snow on the cover; OR that revolves around the (summer or winter) equinox; OR a collection of poetry by Hafez | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 19 Festivus (December 23) |
Book | Read any comdy, parody, or satire | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 20 Christmas (December 25) |
Book | Read any Christmas book. | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 21 Kwanzaa (December 26 - January 1) |
Book | Read a book set in Africa or the Caribbean; OR by an African, Caribbean, or African-American author; OR a book with a green, red, or black cover. | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 22 New Year's Eve (December 31) |
Book | Read a book about endings, new starts, or books where things go BOOM! | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 23 Hogswatch (December 32) |
Book | Read anything by Terry Pratchett | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
Door 24 Epiphany (January 6) |
Book | Read a book with three main characters; OR a book about traveling on a journey to a faraway place; OR a book that's part of a trilogy; OR with a star on the cover; OR with the word "twelve" or "night" in the title; OR concerning kings or spices | 0 | ||
Task 1 | TBA | ||||
Task 2 | TBA | ||||
Task 3 | TBA | ||||
Task 4 | TBA | ||||
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