Saturday, June 24, 2017

Read-a-thon: 24 in 48! July 2017 | Ani's Plans!

So here is the basic gist of this read-a-thon as copied from the 24 in 48 Readathon site:

Beginning at 12:01am on Saturday morning and running through 11:59pm on Sunday night, readers read for 24 hours out of that 48 hour period.  You can split that up however you’d like: 20 hours on Saturday, 4 hours on Sunday; 12 hours each day; six 4 hour sessions with 4 hour breaks in between; whatever you’d like.

After checking my weekend rotation schedule, it looks like I will be off the weekend that this July 2017 24in48 Readathon is to take place!  The thon will be July 22nd and 23rd, and well, look at that!  We're still cruising along with Booklikes-opoly as well!

I'm not entirely sure what books I will be reading for the thon, as, for some reason, I decided to do an early announcement this time.  The past two thons I had always forgotten about them until about a week or two prior to the readathon weekend, so I usually had an idea of what I'd like to read.

But being that BLopoly is sort of dictating my reads for the most part, I'm just going to wing it this time and just create a simple goal to at least finish one and a half to two books.  Why such a funky goal?  Because I typically only end up finishing two books, if the past two 24in48s I participated in are any indication... but usually at least one of those books I had already started reading prior to the thon.

And to top it off, I will also usually start read at least one or two more books... for whatever reason.

Though, I will admit that lately, I haven't really been reading too many books simultaneously.


If I were to make a list of all the books I hope to read, or a list of possible books I would like to be able to read, it would look a little like this:

It's pretty much wide open, my possible choices, and those aren't even all the books I glanced over within the past week and thought: "Hmm, I want to read this next."  So... I think I probably shouldn't speculate on what I'm planning on reading...  Because I want to read ALL THE BOOKS!  But I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen in 48 hours of time, barring time loops and time freezes, or magical speed reading glasses...

Ooh, or time turners!

How many times are we turning this thing, Hermione?  I need at least six or seven (hundred) of these 48 hour thon weekends to complete ALL THE BOOKS.  And remember, NO ONE is sleeping until we're done!

Let's go!

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