So here's another update on the books I'm reading... or rather the books I'm not actually reading, but would really, really, really love to read for 24 Festive Tasks.
Once again, this will be a sort of 24 Festive Tasks -- "It's Monday! What are you reading?" style! And this time actually on a Monday!
Finished Reading
The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs
by Steve Brusatte
Read for Door 22: New Year's Eve (December 31)
"Read a book about endings, new starts, or books where things go BOOM!"
This books fits with the beginning and ending of the dinosaur era.
Midnight Exposure
by Melinda Leigh
Read for Door 18: Winter Solstice / Yuletide (December 21)
"Read any book that takes place in December OR with ice or snow on the cover OR that revolves around the (summer or winter) equinox OR a collection of poetry by Hafez."
This book takes place during December.
Midnight Blue-Light Special
by Seanan McGuire
Read for Door 14: Hanukkah (December 2 to 10)
"Read a book about light, miracles, characters who are Jewish or books set in Israel. OR: Hanukkah commemorates the re-dedication of the second temple in the second century; read the second book in a series or a book with the word “second” or “two” in the title."
This book is the second in the InCryptid series. Retroactively delegating this book I finished reading at the beginning of November to this recently revealed door.

The above are books I've finished reading during the 24 Festive Tasks game, and I'm still on the fence about where to insert them. I have a feeling that Dim Sum of All Fears will end up somewhere in future. And The Woman Left Behind has at least two Doors that will fit, Door 4: Diwali, or Door 5: Armistice / Veterans' Day. As for Scandal, I'm just going to wait and see for now.
Currently Reading
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
audio book narrated by Scott Brick
Reading for Door 1: Dia de los Muertos (November 1)
"Re-read an old favorite from a now-deceased author, a book from a finished (dead) series, or a book set in Mexico."
Still listening to this one, and getting to the more exciting parts of the book. It's nostalgic, even if I'm finding things about the book that I never realized annoyed me. Yet, at the same time, I'm very much still enjoying it.
This book will fulfill the "re-read an old favorite from a now-deceased author" portion of the task. It could even count as "a book from a finished (dead) series."
Midnight Sacrifice
by Melinda Leigh
Reading for Door 9: Thanksgiving (November 22 this year)
"Autumnal covers, set in New England, or a turkey shows up in the story."
This book takes place in Maine, which is part of New England, so even before the door reveal, I fortunately started reading it. Finishing it is another matter altogether...
Planning to Read
Most of my reading plans haven't changed much, so I'm reiterating a couple door choices, as well as adding a few more.
How the Dukes Stole Christmas (anthology)
stories by Tessa Dare, Sarah MacLean, Sophie Jordan, and Joanna Shupe
Planning to read for Door 20: Christmas (December 25)
"Read any Christmas book."
I saw an anthology with Tessa Dare as one of the authors and decided to go for it. A book about how the Dukes stole Christmas seems to fit the bill for this door's book task, I think! =D
The Light Fantastic (Discworld #2 / Rincewind #2)
by Terry Pratchett
Planning to read for Door 23: Hogswatch (December 32)
"Read anything by Terry Pratchett."
Whelp, this one was an obvious choice. The second book in the Discworld series, as well as the next Discworld Book Club read, of which will start in December. Looking forward to it!
The Rose Garden
by Susanna Kearsley
audio book narrated by Nicole Barber
Planning to read for Door 3: Melbourne Cup Day (November 6)
"About horses or a horse on the cover. Books with roses on the cover or about gardening; anything set in Australia."
I decided to just go ahead with this book once I finish listening to Jurassic Park. For obvious reasons, it will definitely fit the square, having a rose on the cover and all.
Not My Father's Son
written and narrated by Alan Cumming
Planning to read for Door 12: St. Andrew's Day (November 30)
"Andrew was the first apostle; read the first book in a series. OR: Andrew and Peter were brothers; read a book about brothers. OR: Read books about or set in Scotland or by a Scottish author, or set in Charleston, South Carolina (which is where the celebrations as we know them today began – by a group of Scottish expats – according to"
I did not realize that Alan Cumming is Scottish, but now that I know, I'd like to jump into this audio book that's been on my TBR for a while. Whether or not I actually get to it, of course, is another issue since I don't get through audio books as quickly as e-books.
Devil in the Deadline
by LynDee Walker
Planning to read for Door 13: Advent (December 1)
"Advent also means “second coming”: Read a pastiche, or a book written by an “authorised author” by the deceased author’s estate. OR: There are four Sundays in Advent. Read the fourth book of a series or a book with the word “four” in the title."
Ah! I'd been looking for a way to slide the rest of LynDee Walker's cozy series into my reading schedule, and this will do it. Devil in the Deadline is the fourth book in her Nichelle Walker series.
Still Undecided
These Door Book Tasks are still undecided, and I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with them.
Door 2: Guy Fawkes Night (November 5): Set in the UK, political thrillers, involving any monarchy or revolution; books about arson or related to burning.
I'm considering The Scarlet Pimpernel by Emmuska Orczy for this one, but I also have a couple crime thrillers involving arson I could use, like Nora Robert's Chasing Fire. So this one is still undecided.

Door 4: Diwali (November 7): Read a book with candles on the cover or the word “candle” or “light” in the title; OR a book that is the latest in a series; OR set in India; OR any non-fiction book that is ‘illuminating’ (Diwali is Sanskrit for light/knowledge and row, line or series)
These three books are still my possible selections for this Door. I've finished two out of three, so now I need to find a way to squeeze the last book in.

Door 5: Armistice / Veterans' Day (November 11): Read any book involving wars, battles, where characters are active military or veterans, or with poppies on the cover.
I've made no decisions, but the below books are still my top choices, although if I can't find anywhere else to slip The Woman Left Behind into, it's very, VERY likely that it'll end up as the choice for this Door Task.

Door 6: International Day for Tolerance (November 16): Read any fiction/non-fiction about tolerance or a book that’s outside your normal comfort zone. (Tolerance can encompass anything you generally struggle with, be it sentient or not.) OR Read a book set in Paris.
I'm still searching books for this one.
Door 7: Mawlid (November 20): If you can find a copy, read Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet. Or read any book about a leader of a movement, nation, religion or large group, OR read a book with a green cover OR with a half moon on the cover.
Ooh, green covers? Check! Got a few here!

Door 8: Penance Day (November 21): Read any book concerning a man / woman of the cloth, a book about a character hiding a guilty secret or searching for absolution.
This will require stumbling into...
Door 10: Bon Om Touk (November 22 - 24): Read a book that takes place at sea or on a river OR with water on the cover OR where the plot involves a festival or the moon plays a pivotal role in the plot.
Still doing some research...
Door 11: Russian Mothers' Day (November 25): Read a book set in Russia, or involving a story within a story / play within a play (like the Russian matryoshka dolls stuck inside each other), or where a key character (not necessarily the protagonist) is a mother.
I'm quite sure I'll be able to find something for this task. If not a book that takes place in Russia, at least one where a key character is a mother. Some rereads might even come about...
Door 19: Festivus (December 23): Read any comedy, parody, or satire.
Still searching...
Door 21: Kwanzaa (December 26 - January 1): Read a book set in Africa or the Caribbean OR by an African, Caribbean, or African-American author OR a book with a green, red, or black cover.
Door 24: Epiphany (January 6): Read a book with three main characters OR a book about traveling on a journey to a faraway place OR a book that’s part of a trilogy OR with a star on the cover OR with the word “twelve” or “night” in the title OR or concerning kings or spices.
I'm wanting to read Juliet Marillier's Blackthorn & Grim series. I can read Dreamer's Pool for the Epiphany Book Task, "a book that's part of a trilogy" and then continue on with Tower of Thorns or even Den of Wolves for the Kwanzaa Book Task, "a book with a green, red, or black cover." Then I can slip the other book into another Book Task if it qualifies.

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