hosted by Moonlight Reader and Obsidian Blue
@ Booklikes, the book blogging social platform
It feels like it's been ages since I last rolled, almost three weeks ago! When I last updated, I was reading A Morbid Taste for Bones by Ellis Peters for my most recent regular roll (Roll #12), wherein I needed to read a book that was either made into a film or television series. Since there's a television adaptation for the Cadfael series, this book fit right in. An interesting read, but I had a hard time getting into it, though it's hard to say whether it was the book, or just my lack of time. At 199 pages, the book gave me $2 to add to my bank.

Meanwhile, I'd also taken advantage of the July 4th Bonus rolls and prepped myself for more books to be read. We all got three extra rolls, but due to the nature of my rolls, I ended up with four books!

I had considered, very briefly, skipping The Summer Blockbuster 27, as I'd had a hard time finding something to read for this square the last time I landed on it. But then I remembered that I had all three of the four DC Icon series books, and what better "hero's journey" than one about the making of a superhero in Wonder Woman: Warbringer? Also, I like Leigh Bardugo. =D The book itself had a lot of potential, but I'm not sure it really set out to do what I'd been hoping it would do. But still well-written. This book was 374 pages, earning me another $3.
The next square would have been an easy pick for choosing a historical or time travel book, if only I didn't have so many possible historical fiction books to choose from. But then my library pinged a hold for me and so Silence for the Dead was inserted in as my choice. Taking place in the time after WWI, this book fits the bill just fine. Silence for the Dead by Simone St. James was 386 pages, earning another $3.

The next square was another Question Square, this time Who?, which required a mystery or detective story, and so I randomly chose one of my romantic suspense crime thrillers, and so Jayne Ann Krentz it was! Sharp Edges was 338 pages, which was another $3!
The last square I landed on for the bonus rolls was The Stay-cation 8, and I chose the easier of the prompts, choosing an author whose name began with a letter in the the word "RELAX." Just as well, I'd taken long enough with my previous read that Laura Griffin's newest release happened on July 2, so I happily decided to purchase and read the latest in the Wolfe Security series, Her Deadly Secrets. This book was 368 pages... another $3!
And now that we're caught up, here's the next roll, which ended up becoming a bit complicated, taking me ALL around the board, so sit tight for a fairly long post.

My first roll was a double 2, which took me to the Robot Card. Since I get to pocket the card and roll again anyway, I'm going to forego the whole "doubles, roll again" thing, because I'm not even sure how that would work since I'm already rolling again.
It's been a great readathon weekend, and even though I wasn't able to get a lot of reading done, it looks like Monkey and friends are all gathered around for story time anyway. But being the great buddy that Monkey is, he's opting to sit at the bottom of the board and try to keep Teddy Bear from sliding further down off of his square. Yay, Monkey!

My next roll for this turn was a seven, and landed me on Free Parking: Roll 2 dice. A 2 or 3 sends you to the robot; 4, 5, or 6, go to the race car; 7, 8, or 9, go to the Scottie Dog; 10, 11, or 12 takes you to the cat.
Still having their reading session, and Monkey's still giving Teddy Bear a hand. =D

The roll for Free Parking gave me a nine, and so off to Scottie Dog card it is! As per the rules, I'm pocketing this card and moving on.
Alllll the way across the board we go. And Monkey is taking his job quite seriously, I see.

Finally, after pocketing my shiny new Novelty card, I rolled a ten and ended up back at the Question Card: Who?, passing Go and collecting $5 while I was at it. I was just here not long ago, and even though I've got four Novelty cards cramming my pocket now, I don't need to use them for this square. Finding a mystery to read will be easy peasy... it's picking one out of several that will be the hard part...
And it looks like Monkey is quite worn out. Teddy Bear is sticking to the board okay, so Monkey has decided to join the others at the top for some reading time.
Happy 24in48 readathon weekend! And hope everyone had a great time and a great weekend!
Meanwhile, I've got a few books I'm considering, though haven't quite made a decision yet. Though I'm leaning towards a more contemporary book since I'd spent most of the beginning of the year in historical fiction.

Devil in the Deadline by LynDee Walker is a cozy mystery that is 282 pages for $3. I've been meaning to get back to this series, so this might be a good time to do it.
A Study in Death by Anna Lee Huber is a historical mystery that is 324 pages for $3. I'm also super curious about continuing the Lady Darby series, so this is another possibility.
Ricochet by Jessica Andersen is a romantic suspense with a murder mystery, clocking in at 250 pages, also for $3. I picked this book up at a library sale, and am very interested in it, as it involves a crime lab scenario.
As of right now, I'm kind of leaning more towards Ricochet, but at the same time, it'd be more convenient for me to read an e-book, which the other two are. Oh, sigh! Decisions, decisions. I might just do a random book draw... or dash all of these options and end up reading something else entirely. I'll give myself a little time to decide.
Novelty Cards Currently In My Pocket

My Progress
Current Bank: $91
Bail Fund Donation: 0 pages || in table: remain in parentheses in (italics and red)
Books Read: 16
Pages Read: 5,323
Table notes:
*Dates link to corresponding dice roll updates / other links for related activities included.
*Book titles link to reviews if written.
*Page/Cash values in parentheses are still pending reads/ not yet cashed out.
*Doubles rolls are depicted as such (dbls) under the dice roll number.
Date (Roll #) |
Dice Roll | Space/Prompt | Book Title / Author | Pages | Cash |
5/20 | Game Start | $20 | |||
#1 | 5 | The Silk Road: Read a book set in any of the 40 countries along Silk Road, or by an author from any of those countries. |
Hard Target by Pamela Clare | 261 | $3 |
5/22 | |||||
#2a | 8 | Novelty Card Robot -- save for later (Create a numbered list of ten books, and let a random number generator pick for you) |
n/a | n/a | n/a |
#2b | 4 | Mountain Cabin 16: Read a book that is considered mystery/suspense genre, or which has a title that contains all of the letters in the word C-A-B-I-N. |
Tightrope by Amanda Quick | 320 | $3 |
5/25 | See Also: Roll #3 and Memorial Day Bonus Roll Activities | ||||
#3 | 5 | The Lake House 20: Read a book that features a dog or which has a dog on the cover; or that is set in an area known for its lakes or on a fictional lake. |
Run to Ground by Katie Ruggle | 312 | $3 |
Memorial Day Bonus Rolls | |||||
#4 | 7 | The Summer Blockbuster 27: Read a book that features a hero's journey or is a Bildungsroman (coming of age tale); or that has a word related to space in the title (i.e., star, planet, rocket). |
Wolfskin by Juliet Marillier | 516 | $5 |
#5 | 9 | European Vacation 35: Read a book set in Europe; or that was written by an author who was born in Europe; or that involves travel by boat or that has a picture of a ship on the cover. |
A Grave Matter by Anna Lee Huber | 433 | $5 |
6/8 | |||||
#6a | 10 | Pass Go: Collect $5! | n/a | n/a | $5 |
Novelty Card Race Car -- save for later (Race around the game board to the space of your choosing and read!) |
n/a | n/a | n/a | ||
#6b | 11 | Mountain Cabin 18: Read a book that is set west of the Mississippi in the USA, or that was written by an author who comes from that region, or that is considered part of the Western genre. |
Stone Cold Heart by Laura Griffin | 357 | $3 |
6/10 | |||||
#7a | 7 | BL Square: Spin the Wheel Decide | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Wheel Decide: Take one extra roll | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||
#7b | 10 | European Vacation 33: Read a book set in the UK, or that was written by an author whose first or last name begins with any letter in the word L-O-N-D-O-N. |
The Indignation of Haruhi Suzumiya by Nagaru Tanigawa | 212 | $3 |
6/13 | |||||
#8 | 5 | Pass Go: Collect $5! | n/a | n/a | $5 |
School's Out For Summer 1: Read a book that appears on any school related "summer reading list," or that is identified as YA or MG |
Going Rogue by Robin Benway | 321 | $3 | ||
6/16 | |||||
#9 | 10 | Beach Week 10: Read a book that appears on any beach reads list, or a book whose author's first or last name begins with any letter in B-E-A-C-H. |
Chasing Evil by Kylie Brant | 324 | $3 |
6/19 | |||||
#10 | 6 | Mountain Cabin 16: Read a book that is considered mystery/suspense genre, or which has a title that contains all of the letters in the word C-A-B-I-N. |
Touching Evil by Kylie Brant | 288 | $3 |
6/26 | |||||
#11 | 4 | The Lake House 19: Read a book with a cover that is more than 50 percent blue, or by an author whose first or last name starts with any letter in the word L-A-K-E. |
Facing Evil by Kylie Brant | 314 | $3 |
6/29 | |||||
#12 | 6 | The Summer Blockbuster 25: Read a book (or a book in a series) that has been adapted for film or television. |
A Morbid Taste for Bones by Ellis Peters | 199 | $2 |
7/2 | July 4th Bonus Rolls | ||||
#13a | 2 (dbls) |
The Summer Blockbuster 27: Read a book that features a hero's journey or is a Bildungsroman (coming of age tale); or that has a word related to space in the title (i.e., star, planet, rocket). |
Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo | 374 | $3 |
#13b | 8 | When? (34): Read a book that is time travel or historical fiction, or a book with the word "when" in the title. |
Silence for the Dead by Simon St. James | 386 | $3 |
#14 | 5 | Pass Go: Collect $5! | n/a | n/a | $5 |
Who? (2): Read a mystery or detective story, or a book with the word "who" in the title. |
Sharp Edges by Jayne Ann Krentz | 338 | $3 | ||
#15 | 7 | The Stay-cation 9: Read a book that includes a visit to a museum, a concert, a library or a park, or that the author's name begins with one of the letters in R-E-L-A-X. |
Her Deadly Secrets by Laura Griffin | 368 | $3 |
7/21 | |||||
#16a | 4 | Novelty Card Robot -- save for later (Create a numbered list of ten books, and let a random number generator pick for you) |
n/a | n/a | n/a |
#16b | 7 | Free Parking: Roll 2 dice. A 2 or a 3 sends you to the robot; 4, 5, or 6, go to the race car; 7, 8, or 9, go to the Scottie dog; 10, 11, or 12 takes you to the cat. |
n/a | n/a | n/a |
#16c | 9 | Novelty Card Scottie Dog -- save for later (Post a list or poll of 4 books, and ask your fellow players/followers to "fetch" you a book. |
n/a | n/a | n/a |
#16d | 10 | Pass Go: Collect $5! | n/a | n/a | $5 |
Who? (2): Read a mystery or detective story, or a book with the word "who" in the title. |
TBA | |||||

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