hosted by Moonlight Reader and Obsidian Blue
My plan had been to compile the books I had read for the last half of Booklikes-opoly 2019 in one post, and then do another post for a wrap up, but I'm too lazy, so I'm just going to throw everything into this post. So this post will be slightly longer than I'd intended, but there it is.
As far as final tallies go, here are my totals:
Final Bank: $111
Bail Fund Donation: 0 pages
Books Read: 21
Pages Read: 7,085
I'm extremely satisfied with my progress for BLopoly this year, even though I'm pretty sure I read twice as many books the last time we played. Of course, I think this year the game play duration was shorter, but if I had been reading at the pace I used to read at two years ago, them my totals would be a little different. Nonetheless, I'm still very happy with how my game play went!
All-in-all, I managed to (mostly) stick to books on my already owned TBR shelves. Of the 21 books I read, 15 of them were previously owned prior to the game start, 2 were bought during the course of the game, and 4 were library e-book check-outs. I finished reading all the books for two different series that had been languishing on my shelves for a few yeas, so yay for that! And then I caught up with all the books I currently own for one ongoing series.
Me being me, I was stubborn enough to make myself read for all the squares I landed on, with only one exception. And because of that, I ended up with three Novelty Cards left in my pocket that never got used. For fun, I may go ahead and "use" them post game just to determine my next few reads leading up to Halloween Bingo. Maybe.
This was another great reading game from our favorite BLer game hosts, and again, I'd love to give them a great, huge thank you for always bringing so much excitement to the BL dashboard feeds!
The following are some rambles for the books I read during the last half of the game. Here is also a link to the first set of books I read for the first half of the game:
BL-opoly 2019 | Mid-game Update
If anyone is interested, that is.
Afterward, I've included my tracking table and a repeat of my final stats once again at the end of this post.
Books and Squares

Roll #12 | The Summer Blockbuster 25
A Morbid Taste for Bones by Ellis Peters (Chronicles of Brother Cadfael #1)
Rating: 3.0 Stars
This book was slow to start, and took a while for me to get into. I'm not certain if it was the book or my own personal life happenings that caused this, but for such a short book, it DID take a long time to finish. I WILL admit that Brother Cadfael is an interesting man, and I wouldn't mind continuing to follow his story, and I DID find the antics of the Shrewsbury brothers quite amusing.
The conclusion of the mystery felt a little too convenient, and I'm not entirely sure that I really saw much investigation going on... though it could have just been that I was distracted and couldn't fully appreciate Brother Cadfael's investigation techniques?
Anyway, I didn't really write a review, so the short above paragraphs will have to suffice.
How the book fits: This series was adapted into a television series.

Roll #13a (July 4th Bonus) | The Summer Blockbuster 27
Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo (DC Icons #1)
Rating: 3.5 Stars
What better book to read for "a hero's journey" than one about a superhero? Although this book wasn't exactly what I'd been expecting, it was still enjoyable, and Leigh Bardugo continues to prove that she is a wonderfully solid author. Unfortunately, I had recently seen the new film adaptation starring Gal Gadot... and so kept picturing the teenage Diana in this book with the Gadot's face... not that she couldn't pass off as a youthful teenager, really...
How the book fits: This book follows a hero's journey.
See my review:
Thoughts: Wonder Woman Warbringer

Roll #13b (July 4th Bonus) | When? (34)
Silence for the Dead by Simone St. James
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Simone St. James writes beautifully, and creates great atmosphere. This wasn't my favorite of her books, and I was actually disappointed that the haunted hospital aspect felt a bit underused. Nonetheless, a great read.
How the book fits: This book is historical fiction.
See my review:
Quick Thoughts: Silence for the Dead

Roll #14 (July 4th Bonus) | Who? (2)
Sharp Edges by Jayne Ann Krentz
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Jayne Ann Krentz always presents great characters, banter, and entertaining excitement in her romantic suspense books. Sharp Edge was no exception. I liked the tidbits about glass art. And I also found the characters likable. And I saw the conclusion coming ten miles away.
But I was satisfyingly entertained, as I usually am with Jayne Ann Krentz, so no real complaints.
There will be no actual review aside from the simple few lines above. I have trouble reviewing JAK books anyway since they're fairly formulaic, even if I love them so much.
How the book fits: This book is tagged as a 'mystery.'

Roll #15 (July 4th Bonus) | The Stay-cation 8
Her Deadly Secrets by Laura Griffin (Wolfe Security #2)
Rating: 4.0 Stars
This was another great romantic suspense by Laura Griffin that I enjoyed immensely and could not put down. She never fails to deliver her usual dark and gritty, action-never-stops crime thrillers.
How the book fits: The author's name begins with the letter 'L.'
See my review:
Thoughts: Her Deadly Secrets

Roll #16d | Who (2)
Devil in the Deadline by LynDee Walker (Nichelle Clarke #4)
Rating: 3.5 Stars
I'd been meaning to get back to this series for a while, and this square gave me the push to do so, and I'm glad I did. It's so easy to hop back into Nichelle's world and follow her around while she investigates murder when the local police are so stumped themselves. Great writing and atmosphere, and Nichelle is always a top-notch heroine.
How the book fits: This book is a cozy mystery.
See my review:
Some Thoughts: Devil in the Deadline

Roll #17 | The Stay-cation 9
Cover Shot by LynDee Walker (Nichelle Clarke #5)
Rating: 4.0 Stars
Hmm... while this book was a lot quieter and less gruesome in terms of details and investigation, I found I really liked it a lot more, if only because we're more focused on Nichelle's human interest story, the investigation, and the crime thriller itself. Another excellent addition to the solid cozy mystery series.
How the book fits: Our author's name begins with the letter 'L'.
See my review:
Some Thoughts: Cover Shot

Roll #18 | Robot Card
Madam, Will You Talk? by Mary Stewart
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Having actually landed on Beach Week 13, I decided to use one of my novelty cards since I wasn't feeling in the mood for any of the books on my TBR that would fit the square. Since I had two Robot Cards in my pocket, I figured, what the heck? So my list was made, and Madam, Will You Talk? was the winner.
This book is pretty suspenseful, and kind of dives into the story and the conflicts right from the beginning, even if there were moments of quiet. An enjoyable Mary Stewart book, but probably not my favorite.
I will have a review posted pretty soon.
See my review:
Brief Thoughts: Madam, Will You Talk? (link coming soon)

Roll #19 | The Lake House 19
Deep Waters by Jayne Ann Krentz
Rating: 3.0 Stars
Another interesting JAK book, although probably not one of my favorites. Sometimes her characters get a little overly philosophical, and the dialogue gets a bit eye-roll-worthy. But Deep Waters still had all the charm and "feel good" of any other JAK book.
And so, once again, a short review above in three sentences since I probably won't bother with a full, individual review post.
How the book fits: The book's cover is definitely greater than 50% blue. Also author's last name begins with a letter 'K.'

Roll #20 | The Stay-cation 6
Lethal Lifestyles by LynDee Walker (Nichelle Clarke #6)
Rating: 3.5 Stars
This was an exciting, fast-paced read with maybe a few quibbles from myself, but overall another great addition to the series. It's a little early, so I don't have a review yet, and it should be out within the week.
How the book fits: This book takes place in Richmond, Virginia; in the United States, which is my home country.
See my review:
Quick Thoughts: Lethal Lifestyles (link coming soon)
Table and Other Stats
Final Bank: $111Bail Fund Donation: 0 pages || in table: remain in parentheses in (italics and red)
Books Read: 21
Pages Read: 7,085
Table notes:
*Dates link to corresponding dice roll updates / other links for related activities included.
*Book titles link to reviews if written.
*Page/Cash values in parentheses are still pending reads/ not yet cashed out.
*Doubles rolls are depicted as such (dbls) under the dice roll number.
Date (Roll #) |
Dice Roll | Space/Prompt | Book Title / Author | Pages | Cash |
5/20 | Game Start | $20 | |||
#1 | 5 | The Silk Road: Read a book set in any of the 40 countries along Silk Road, or by an author from any of those countries. |
Hard Target by Pamela Clare | 261 | $3 |
5/22 | |||||
#2a | 8 | Novelty Card Robot -- save for later (Create a numbered list of ten books, and let a random number generator pick for you) |
n/a | n/a | n/a |
#2b | 4 | Mountain Cabin 16: Read a book that is considered mystery/suspense genre, or which has a title that contains all of the letters in the word C-A-B-I-N. |
Tightrope by Amanda Quick | 320 | $3 |
5/25 | See Also: Roll #3 and Memorial Day Bonus Roll Activities | ||||
#3 | 5 | The Lake House 20: Read a book that features a dog or which has a dog on the cover; or that is set in an area known for its lakes or on a fictional lake. |
Run to Ground by Katie Ruggle | 312 | $3 |
Memorial Day Bonus Rolls | |||||
#4 | 7 | The Summer Blockbuster 27: Read a book that features a hero's journey or is a Bildungsroman (coming of age tale); or that has a word related to space in the title (i.e., star, planet, rocket). |
Wolfskin by Juliet Marillier | 516 | $5 |
#5 | 9 | European Vacation 35: Read a book set in Europe; or that was written by an author who was born in Europe; or that involves travel by boat or that has a picture of a ship on the cover. |
A Grave Matter by Anna Lee Huber | 433 | $5 |
6/8 | |||||
#6a | 10 | Pass Go: Collect $5! | n/a | n/a | $5 |
Novelty Card Race Car -- save for later (Race around the game board to the space of your choosing and read!) |
n/a | n/a | n/a | ||
#6b | 11 | Mountain Cabin 18: Read a book that is set west of the Mississippi in the USA, or that was written by an author who comes from that region, or that is considered part of the Western genre. |
Stone Cold Heart by Laura Griffin | 357 | $3 |
6/10 | |||||
#7a | 7 | BL Square: Spin the Wheel Decide | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Wheel Decide: Take one extra roll | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||
#7b | 10 | European Vacation 33: Read a book set in the UK, or that was written by an author whose first or last name begins with any letter in the word L-O-N-D-O-N. |
The Indignation of Haruhi Suzumiya by Nagaru Tanigawa | 212 | $3 |
6/13 | |||||
#8 | 5 | Pass Go: Collect $5! | n/a | n/a | $5 |
School's Out For Summer 1: Read a book that appears on any school related "summer reading list," or that is identified as YA or MG |
Going Rogue by Robin Benway | 321 | $3 | ||
6/16 | |||||
#9 | 10 | Beach Week 10: Read a book that appears on any beach reads list, or a book whose author's first or last name begins with any letter in B-E-A-C-H. |
Chasing Evil by Kylie Brant | 324 | $3 |
6/19 | |||||
#10 | 6 | Mountain Cabin 16: Read a book that is considered mystery/suspense genre, or which has a title that contains all of the letters in the word C-A-B-I-N. |
Touching Evil by Kylie Brant | 288 | $3 |
6/26 | |||||
#11 | 4 | The Lake House 19: Read a book with a cover that is more than 50 percent blue, or by an author whose first or last name starts with any letter in the word L-A-K-E. |
Facing Evil by Kylie Brant | 314 | $3 |
6/29 | |||||
#12 | 6 | The Summer Blockbuster 25: Read a book (or a book in a series) that has been adapted for film or television. |
A Morbid Taste for Bones by Ellis Peters | 199 | $2 |
7/2 | July 4th Bonus Rolls | ||||
#13a | 2 (dbls) |
The Summer Blockbuster 27: Read a book that features a hero's journey or is a Bildungsroman (coming of age tale); or that has a word related to space in the title (i.e., star, planet, rocket). |
Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo | 374 | $3 |
#13b | 8 | When? (34): Read a book that is time travel or historical fiction, or a book with the word "when" in the title. |
Silence for the Dead by Simon St. James | 386 | $3 |
#14 | 5 | Pass Go: Collect $5! | n/a | n/a | $5 |
Who? (2): Read a mystery or detective story, or a book with the word "who" in the title. |
Sharp Edges by Jayne Ann Krentz | 338 | $3 | ||
#15 | 7 | The Stay-cation 9: Read a book that includes a visit to a museum, a concert, a library or a park, or that the author's name begins with one of the letters in R-E-L-A-X. |
Her Deadly Secrets by Laura Griffin | 368 | $3 |
7/21 | |||||
#16a | 4 | Novelty Card Robot -- save for later (Create a numbered list of ten books, and let a random number generator pick for you) |
n/a | n/a | n/a |
#16b | 7 | Free Parking: Roll 2 dice. A 2 or a 3 sends you to the robot; 4, 5, or 6, go to the race car; 7, 8, or 9, go to the Scottie dog; 10, 11, or 12 takes you to the cat. |
n/a | n/a | n/a |
#16c | 9 | Novelty Card Scottie Dog -- save for later (Post a list or poll of 4 books, and ask your fellow players/followers to "fetch" you a book. |
n/a | n/a | n/a |
#16d | 10 | Pass Go: Collect $5! | n/a | n/a | $5 |
Who? (2): Read a mystery or detective story, or a book with the word "who" in the title. |
Devil in the Deadline by LynDee Walker | 282 | $3 | ||
7/23 | |||||
#17 | 7 | The Stay-cation 9: Read a book that includes a visit to a museum, a concert, a library or a park, or that the author's name begins with one of the letters in R-E-L-A-X. |
Cover Shot by LynDee Walker | 360 | $3 |
7/28 | |||||
#18 | 5 | Using Robot Card | n/a | n/a | |
Novelty Card Robot Create a numbered list of ten books, and let a random number generator pick for you. |
Madam, Will You Talk? by Mary Stewart | 372 | $3 | ||
7/31 | |||||
#19 | 7 | The Lake House 19: Read a book with a cover that is more than 50 percent blue, or by an author whose first or last name starts with any letter in the word L-A-K-E. |
Deep Waters by Jayne Ann Krentz | 376 | $3 |
8/7 | |||||
#20a | 5 | BL Square: Spin the Wheel Decide | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Wheel Decide: Move to the Start Space | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||
Go Space: Collect $5 and roll again. | n/a | n/a | $5 | ||
#20b | 6 | The Stay-cation 6: Read a book set in your home town, state or country, or that you checked out of your local library, or that has been on your (physical) bookshelves since last summer. |
Lethal Lifestyles by LynDee Walker | (290) | ($3) |

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