hosted by Moonlight Reader and Obsidian Blue
@ Booklikes, the book blogging social platform
So I wasn't sure I was going to roll again, as I've been distracted and fairly absent from the blogosphere, sporadically. But the official end of BLopoly 2019 is still a few days away, and so until the end of the day on August 10, I can still spend some time reading. So I'm going to roll one last time, also rounding out my number of turns to 20, and hopefully finishing my book before the end of Saturday.
If I don't finish, oh well.
Meanwhile, I'd like to thank the hosts of our game for another wonderful reading summer! I have always enjoyed these reading games and continue to enjoy them, and so was especially ecstatic that we got to reboot Booklikes-opoly this summer! Thank you two so much for all the work you put into this game.
It was only unfortunate that I wasn't able to keep up the way I'd hoped, but I still managed to finish reading a lot of books on my owned TBR shelves, which really did me a lot of good.
Usually I'll come up with a wrap up at the end of these games, but at the rate that I've been going lately, blogging seems to be beyond me--at least blogging on a regular basis. I can feel myself falling into a bit of a slump, so I'm hoping to take the time between the end of BLopoly and the beginning of Halloween Bingo to just take it easy. While I'm excited to get started with Halloween Bingo, I'm also going to take this game a bit more laid back than I usually do. I may not even create any tentative lists.
But more on Halloween Bingo later--I'm hoping to participate in some of the pre-party stuff over the weekend if I have time... or if I can find the mood.
So... moving along to my final roll. It is a little passed midnight on Thursday, August 8, but I actually rolled right before midnight on August 7. Not that it matters anymore really since this is my last roll, but I like keep things straight.

So, following in the footsteps of some of the other BL-ers, rolling right before going to bed automatically leads to a complicated, multi-step turn. And so my roll of 5 brought me to the BL Square, which leads me to spinning the Wheel Decide.
It looks like the Harry Potter party continues, both because I like the props and also because I couldn't think of any better idea. Although it looks like Penni has come out of her baggie and Keychain Puppy is sniffing around in it.
Wheel Decide moves me to the Go Space, which really just helps me get another roll and pads my bank account with an extra $5. No going to refuse free money... moving along...
Penni seems to be eyeing Monkey's magic wand. Don't go getting any ideas there, Penni. You've already got the sleeping bag and the Ravenclaw tie. You don't need Monkey's wand, too. I'm watching you.

Moving forward from the Go Space, I rolled a 6 and landed on The Stay-cation 6, which is both a great square to land on as well as a hard square to choose for.
Okay, Penni. You get the wand for a little bit this time. At least Monkey's got the golden snitch to keep him company... so long as he doesn't eat it since this one's made of chocolate. And I had hoped that Keychain Puppy would be done sniffing around Penni's sleeping bag by now.
For this last square, I went through a few books on my Kindle shelves before deciding to go ahead and finish reading the last Nichelle Clarke book I currently own, if only because I've had this book on my Kindle shelves since last year. I also just want to catch up with the series, and so after finishing Lethal Lifestyles, I can move onto the next book, most recently published this year, Deadly Politics. Also, I'm in need of an e-book for easier access for reasons.
Lethal Lifestyles takes place in Richmond, Virginia, which is neither my home town nor home state, but most definitely my home country. The book clocks in at 290 pages, which will give me a $3 final addition to my bank if I finish it before the end of Saturday.
If I don't finish it before the end of the game, I won't be too disappointed since I've already broken $100, which was my own unofficial goal after I realized what kind of pace I was reading at. And also, I will have finished reading Lethal Lifestyles, which is progress on a personal front. So yay!
Novelty Cards Currently In My Pocket

Novelty Cards Used
![]() |
Roll #18 Book Chosen: Madam, Will You Talk? by Mary Stewart |
My Progress
Current Bank: $108
Bail Fund Donation: 0 pages || in table: remain in parentheses in (italics and red)
Books Read: 20
Pages Read: 6,713
Table notes:
*Dates link to corresponding dice roll updates / other links for related activities included.
*Book titles link to reviews if written.
*Page/Cash values in parentheses are still pending reads/ not yet cashed out.
*Doubles rolls are depicted as such (dbls) under the dice roll number.
Date (Roll #) |
Dice Roll | Space/Prompt | Book Title / Author | Pages | Cash |
5/20 | Game Start | $20 | |||
#1 | 5 | The Silk Road: Read a book set in any of the 40 countries along Silk Road, or by an author from any of those countries. |
Hard Target by Pamela Clare | 261 | $3 |
5/22 | |||||
#2a | 8 | Novelty Card Robot -- save for later (Create a numbered list of ten books, and let a random number generator pick for you) |
n/a | n/a | n/a |
#2b | 4 | Mountain Cabin 16: Read a book that is considered mystery/suspense genre, or which has a title that contains all of the letters in the word C-A-B-I-N. |
Tightrope by Amanda Quick | 320 | $3 |
5/25 | See Also: Roll #3 and Memorial Day Bonus Roll Activities | ||||
#3 | 5 | The Lake House 20: Read a book that features a dog or which has a dog on the cover; or that is set in an area known for its lakes or on a fictional lake. |
Run to Ground by Katie Ruggle | 312 | $3 |
Memorial Day Bonus Rolls | |||||
#4 | 7 | The Summer Blockbuster 27: Read a book that features a hero's journey or is a Bildungsroman (coming of age tale); or that has a word related to space in the title (i.e., star, planet, rocket). |
Wolfskin by Juliet Marillier | 516 | $5 |
#5 | 9 | European Vacation 35: Read a book set in Europe; or that was written by an author who was born in Europe; or that involves travel by boat or that has a picture of a ship on the cover. |
A Grave Matter by Anna Lee Huber | 433 | $5 |
6/8 | |||||
#6a | 10 | Pass Go: Collect $5! | n/a | n/a | $5 |
Novelty Card Race Car -- save for later (Race around the game board to the space of your choosing and read!) |
n/a | n/a | n/a | ||
#6b | 11 | Mountain Cabin 18: Read a book that is set west of the Mississippi in the USA, or that was written by an author who comes from that region, or that is considered part of the Western genre. |
Stone Cold Heart by Laura Griffin | 357 | $3 |
6/10 | |||||
#7a | 7 | BL Square: Spin the Wheel Decide | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Wheel Decide: Take one extra roll | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||
#7b | 10 | European Vacation 33: Read a book set in the UK, or that was written by an author whose first or last name begins with any letter in the word L-O-N-D-O-N. |
The Indignation of Haruhi Suzumiya by Nagaru Tanigawa | 212 | $3 |
6/13 | |||||
#8 | 5 | Pass Go: Collect $5! | n/a | n/a | $5 |
School's Out For Summer 1: Read a book that appears on any school related "summer reading list," or that is identified as YA or MG |
Going Rogue by Robin Benway | 321 | $3 | ||
6/16 | |||||
#9 | 10 | Beach Week 10: Read a book that appears on any beach reads list, or a book whose author's first or last name begins with any letter in B-E-A-C-H. |
Chasing Evil by Kylie Brant | 324 | $3 |
6/19 | |||||
#10 | 6 | Mountain Cabin 16: Read a book that is considered mystery/suspense genre, or which has a title that contains all of the letters in the word C-A-B-I-N. |
Touching Evil by Kylie Brant | 288 | $3 |
6/26 | |||||
#11 | 4 | The Lake House 19: Read a book with a cover that is more than 50 percent blue, or by an author whose first or last name starts with any letter in the word L-A-K-E. |
Facing Evil by Kylie Brant | 314 | $3 |
6/29 | |||||
#12 | 6 | The Summer Blockbuster 25: Read a book (or a book in a series) that has been adapted for film or television. |
A Morbid Taste for Bones by Ellis Peters | 199 | $2 |
7/2 | July 4th Bonus Rolls | ||||
#13a | 2 (dbls) |
The Summer Blockbuster 27: Read a book that features a hero's journey or is a Bildungsroman (coming of age tale); or that has a word related to space in the title (i.e., star, planet, rocket). |
Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo | 374 | $3 |
#13b | 8 | When? (34): Read a book that is time travel or historical fiction, or a book with the word "when" in the title. |
Silence for the Dead by Simon St. James | 386 | $3 |
#14 | 5 | Pass Go: Collect $5! | n/a | n/a | $5 |
Who? (2): Read a mystery or detective story, or a book with the word "who" in the title. |
Sharp Edges by Jayne Ann Krentz | 338 | $3 | ||
#15 | 7 | The Stay-cation 9: Read a book that includes a visit to a museum, a concert, a library or a park, or that the author's name begins with one of the letters in R-E-L-A-X. |
Her Deadly Secrets by Laura Griffin | 368 | $3 |
7/21 | |||||
#16a | 4 | Novelty Card Robot -- save for later (Create a numbered list of ten books, and let a random number generator pick for you) |
n/a | n/a | n/a |
#16b | 7 | Free Parking: Roll 2 dice. A 2 or a 3 sends you to the robot; 4, 5, or 6, go to the race car; 7, 8, or 9, go to the Scottie dog; 10, 11, or 12 takes you to the cat. |
n/a | n/a | n/a |
#16c | 9 | Novelty Card Scottie Dog -- save for later (Post a list or poll of 4 books, and ask your fellow players/followers to "fetch" you a book. |
n/a | n/a | n/a |
#16d | 10 | Pass Go: Collect $5! | n/a | n/a | $5 |
Who? (2): Read a mystery or detective story, or a book with the word "who" in the title. |
Devil in the Deadline by LynDee Walker | 282 | $3 | ||
7/23 | |||||
#17 | 7 | The Stay-cation 9: Read a book that includes a visit to a museum, a concert, a library or a park, or that the author's name begins with one of the letters in R-E-L-A-X. |
Cover Shot by LynDee Walker | 360 | $3 |
7/28 | |||||
#18 | 5 | Using Robot Card | n/a | n/a | |
Novelty Card Robot Create a numbered list of ten books, and let a random number generator pick for you. |
Madam, Will You Talk? by Mary Stewart | 372 | $3 | ||
7/31 | |||||
#19 | 7 | The Lake House 19: Read a book with a cover that is more than 50 percent blue, or by an author whose first or last name starts with any letter in the word L-A-K-E. |
Deep Waters by Jayne Ann Krentz | 376 | $3 |
8/7 | |||||
#20a | 5 | BL Square: Spin the Wheel Decide | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Wheel Decide: Move to the Start Space | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||
Go Space: Collect $5 and roll again. | n/a | n/a | $5 | ||
#20b | 6 | The Stay-cation 6: Read a book set in your home town, state or country, or that you checked out of your local library, or that has been on your (physical) bookshelves since last summer. |
Lethal Lifestyles by LynDee Walker | (290) | ($3) |

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