Monday, May 9, 2016

Bout of Books 16: Day One Update

Bout of Books
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 9th and runs through Sunday, May 15th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 16 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

No books finished reading today, though I've made good progress on Prince Joe in spite of my quibbles about it.  I should be finishing the book pretty soon-ish, as it's quite bite-sized and easy to breeze through.  My next dilemma is whether I should just give the Tall, Dark & Dangerous series one more chance and continue on with Forever Blue, drop the series altogether and move on to something else (After Dark, These Broken Stars...), or put some padding in-between by reading another book first, then attempting Forever Blue and see if it can appeal to me "Give authors a second chance" principles when it comes to picking up new-to-me authors.

Related post:  Prince Joe Reading Update @ 40%

Update for Day One, Monday 5/9/2016

  • Today's Reading Stats
    • # Books Finished:  0
    • # Pages Read:  234
  • Running Totals
    • # Books Read:  0
    • # Pages Read:  234

Books I'm Currently Reading

Secondhand Spirits | 117 of 313 pages read
Prince Joe by Suzanne Brockmann | 229 of 298 pages read

Read-a-thon Hopefuls

After Dark by Jayne CastleAfter Glow by Jayne CastleThese Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman & Meagan SpoonerSleep With the Lights On by Maggie Shayne

Previous Update Posts and Other Links

Bout of Books 16 Starter Post


  1. Congrats on all the pages you read! You are doing great. Good luck!

  2. Those look like some fun reads for this week! Good luck!

    1. So many books I'm looking forward to diving into! Thanks for dropping by.

  3. Great Job on your pages completed! I need to step up my game!
    Bout Of Books 16 Day 1!.

    1. Thanks! Looks like you're doing great as well! Keep it up!
