Thursday, June 23, 2016

Cover Crush: Daughter of Deep Silence by Carrie Ryan

Cover Crush is a feature originally thought up by Erin at Flashlight Commentary.  Every Thursday, she publishes a post featuring a book jacket/book cover that she really likes with a short commentary about it.  I discovered this weekly feature via It's a Mad Mad World  and decided to join in the fun!

Judge a book by it's cover?  Absolutely!


The cover for Daughter of Deep Silence just looks chic and sleek and really pretty.  I don't know art, but I love the colors used in this illustration.  Plus the fading shadow effect surrounding it puts a lot of emphasis on the center of the cover, on the girl in the cover and the wall she's standing in front of.  The type font used is slender and doesn't detract from the rest of the cover's illustration.

I don't really have any plans to read this book any time soon, but to be honest, the cover by itself is enough to make me consider.

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