Sunday, July 24, 2016

24 in 48 Readathon: Hour Twenty-Four

Into the next day...

Beginning at 12:01am on Saturday morning and running through 11:59pm on Sunday night, readers read for 24 hours out of that 48 hour period.  You can split that up however you’d like: 20 hours on Saturday, 4 hours on Sunday; 12 hours each day; six 4 hour sessions with 4 hour breaks in between; whatever you’d like.

I've been reading on and off all evening, with dinner and some family time in-between.  All-in-all, it's been a pretty productive night.  I didn't finish a second book, but I'm a little under halfway through it.  If I keep going the rest of the night (my prime reading time), I might even be able to start reading that third book.  And since I'm stubbornly addicted to finishing books that interest me before going to sleep, I'll probably do as such before crashing in the morning.

I have to be back at work tomorrow night, so sleeping in the morning will be a necessity... I suppose.

As of these first 24 hours, I have read a total of 382 pages of book over a course of 6.5 hours of reading time.  This includes the finished read of Icebound by Dean Koontz (see Hour Thirteen Update).

Currently Reading

Sizzle and Burn by Jayne Ann Krentz | 359 pages

I started reading Sizzle and Burn at some point after waking up and running some errands this afternoon.  Jayne Ann Krentz has always been an easy, entertaining read, so I'm not surprised that I'm already a good chunk of the way through the book.  I am a little surprised I'm not further along, though I have been slacking a little.

I spent approximately three and a half scattered hours reading up to 168 pages of this book.  I estimate another three hours or so to finish it.

As a night owl, I'll be pressing on since I missed the opportunity to read more through much of the day.  And also, as I stated above, I'll be sleeping through the morning if I'm to be of any use to my coworkers tomorrow night.

Good night and sweet dreams to everyone else heading to bed! Hope everyone had fun and got in all the reading you were hoping to get in!

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